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Neighborhood Watch


The National Crime Prevention Council, On-Line Resource Center, offers many useful crime prevention tips for self, home, and family; community policing; neighborhood building; plus information on McGruff the Crime Dog and his nephew, Scruff. Find out how you can help --

"Neighborhood Watch" was developed in 1972 by the National Sheriff's Association in response to citizens requests for a program to stem burglaries in the United States. The concept evolved from the experiences of local citizens in helping law enforcement fight crime by being more observant and reporting to authorities.  Changes in people's lifestyles made neighborhoods less secure and more vulnerable to crime. There were more cases of both the husband and the wife working, transience resulting from job transfers, mobility and freedom provided by the automobile, and popularity of apartment living. In the latter situation, people actually became strangers in their own neighborhoods. 

How do I get started?

  Contact as many of your neighbors as possible, and ask them if they would be willing to meet to organize a Neighborhood Watch group. Contact the Shorter Police Department for help in training members on home security and reporting skills, and for information on local crime patterns. Select a Neighborhood Watch block captain who is responsible for organizing meetings and relaying information to members.

Put up highly visible Neighborhood Watch signs and decals. These alert criminals that community members will watch and report their activities.

          Become a part of the Police Department's Citizens Volunteer Patrol Program.    


Take A Bite Out Of Crime!

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