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Macon County Schools, united with families and communities, will continuously improve student learning and educational services through a focus on expectations and values which support performance excellence.
Auburn University's mission is defined by its land-grant traditions of service and access. The University will serve the citizens of the State through its instructional, research and outreach programs and prepare Alabamians to respond successfully to the challenges of a global economy. The University will provide traditional and non-traditional students broad access to the institution's educational resources. In the delivery of educational programs on campus and beyond, the University will draw heavily upon the new instructional and outreach technologies available in the emerging information age.
Welcome to Tuskegee University- “the pride of the swift, growing south.” Founded in a one room shanty, near Butler Chapel AME Zion Church, thirty adults represented the first class - Dr. Booker T. Washington the first teacher. The founding date was July 4, 1881.
Here you will find the best in Academics, Technical and Health Science Programs. Highly skilled and motivated faculty are dedicated to helping each student acquire the skills necessary to be successful in the workplace. Staff and Administration are committed to giving each student personal attention with career choices, financial aid and job placement. At Southern Union, students are our number one priority, and we take great pride in helping them to prepare to meet the challenges of the future.
The institution of Higher Education is an entity that lends itself to the development of highly skilled and knowledgeable graduates as produced through the instructional and tutorial methods of education. We further believe that both students and university faculty play an active and important role in such development and that both have the right to participate fully in the constructs that affect the future products of the educational endeavors. It is also our belief that for success to be achieved in the classroom, and in the wider community following graduation, that the administration of the university has a major role of supporting both the student and faculty in areas directly and indirectly affecting the future outcomes of the students, faculty, and university.