Shorter awarded Demolition Grant
Progress continues in the Town of Shorter with the most recent announcement by Alabama Governor Robert Bentley awarding the west Macon community almost $150,000 in Community Block Grant Funds for clearance and demolition at the Old Victory Mart site on Main St.
The building and almost two acres of land were acquired by the Town of Shorter some years ago, along with a 7 acre tract immediately adjacent to the site. The Mayor and Council purchased the property with the intent of removing the underground storage tanks and clearing the dilapidated structures and overgrown brush from the site.
Just about a year ago, Dollar General purchased land and opened a new retail store across the street from the site. The store is performing exceptionally well financially and has become an attraction for shoppers from surrounding communities.
Speaking about the grant award and future planning for the site, Shorter Mayor Willie Mae Powell said, “I want to thank Governor Bentley and all the ADECA staff for this grant award. These funds are sorely needed and will provide a needed boost to our ongoing development efforts in Shorter. Once we clean all the area up, we will reveal plans for other development efforts in and along the project area.
The grant will be matched by Town of Shorter funds. Work is expected to begin in the first quarter of 2016. The Town will seek bids from area contractors to clean everything up at the site. The result will be a more beautified area and increased property values.
This certainly is good news for Shorter and is yet another sign of growth and development in the area. I can’t wait to share with you all the news of what will be developed there. I’m certain it will be a major plus for the area and move the area further along towards reaching its full economic potential. Congratulations to the Shorter Governing Body and staff for it successful leadership and hard work.