- Business Experience
Earl Martin has 31 years of experience and leadership in the development and management of real estate, including residential, commercial,
industrial and recreational properties. He has also managed the assets for real estate investment trusts and financial organizations that
service pools of mortgages. In the field of real estate education he has taught pre-licensure, post-licensure and continuing education real
estate courses for Alabama State and Auburn Universities, as well as classes in business ethics, business law, economics and finance.
Currently licensed to practice real estate brokerage and development in four states Mr. Martin is a fully qualified real estate broker and instructor.
He is a member of the National, Alabama and Montgomery Area Associations of REALTORS®, the Real Estate Educators Association (REEA) and the
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC).
- Experience in Development
Mr. Martin has developed and managed a varied portfolio of income properties including high rise offices, golf-course residential,
multifamily, industrial and multi-use projects. He has also developed multi-anchor enclosed regional malls, community centers and
- Participation in the Community
An active participant in community programs and institutions where he has worked and lived, Mr. Martin has served as a trustee for Miles
College in Birmingham, AL and for Tougaloo College in Jackson, MS where he also served as Tougaloo’s Economic Developer. Mr. Martin was a
director of the Chamber of Commerce of Jackson, MS; founder and chairman of trustees of Leadership Jackson, MS and president of the Arts
Alliance of Jackson and Hinds County, MS. He served as chairman of trustees of the DeKalb County, (Atlanta) GA Library System; and as
President of the Georgia Wildlife Federation.
Earl L. Martin, Jr.