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Willie Mae Powell


Willie Mae Powell was born Willie Mae Jeter on March 12, 19?? in Tuskegee, Alabama. She was born under the union of Robert (deceased) and Malinda Jeter(deceased). Educated in the public schools of Macon County, Alabama, Willie Mae went on to attend then Tuskegee Institute, now Tuskegee University, where she received her Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees in Elementary Education. She is happily married to the love of her life, Mr. Harold Louis Powell. Their union has lasted thirty-five (35) years and they have three proud sons Harold, Devin, and Dennis.

Most notably, Willie Mae is a child of God. She is a proud and active member of the Nebraska Baptist Church in Hardaway, Alabama, where she has served for over a decade as the Youth Department Director, Youth Sunday School Teacher and Youth Choir Director. Upon meeting her, it becomes obvious that her passion is for children and the future. Willie Mae worked twenty-five (25) years as a classroom teacher in the Macon County School System. She retired from teaching in 2006.

Since that time, Mayor Powell has worked as the Executive Director of the Shorter Community Outreach Program, and in that capacity, she has worked closely with the Macon County Schools to organize and operate an after-school and summer enrichment program for children in the Town of Shorter area. The program has been a major success and should provide significant benefits to the community long-term.

Willie Mae is truly committed to public service and believes in the power of grassroots activism. In 1996, Willie Mae offered herself as a candidate for the position of Mayor of the Town of Shorter, Alabama. The election result was reported a tie, but Willie Mae knew the result was flawed. She and a contingent of supporters filed a challenge, which ultimately was ruled on by the Alabama Supreme Court. The ruling was issued in 1998, a full two years later, calling for a new election. Willie Mae won with a decisive percentage of the vote. She was sworn in as the Mayor of the Town of Shorter, on April 15, 1998. Since she became Mayor, the notoriety of the Town of Shorter and Macon County has increased. New homes are being built every day in the Shorter area, and Shorter even has landed “Halla Climate Systems Alabama”, a Tier One Supplier plant for Hyundai Motor Company.

As a result of Mayor Powell’s selfless leadership, fervent belief in the potential of her community and her ability to build coalitions, Shorter, Alabama is a “Town on the Move!” Mayor Powell seeks to move away from past issues which divide us and move our focus toward those things which make us great. She believes that the potential for Macon County and the River Region is great. And, she always seeks opportunities to create a seat at the table for those who are willing to work. Mayor Powell has been featured in many state and national news publications.

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