Harold Deon Powell was born on September 2, 1974 in Cleveland, Ohio. After a couple of years
in Cleveland, Harold and his family moved to Shorter, Alabama, where he would spend the majority
of his formative years. Educated in the public schools of Macon County, Alabama, Harold went on
to attend Tuskegee University, where he received his Bachelors of Arts degree in Political Science.
He is the son of Harold L. Powell, a long-time employee of Tuskegee University and Willie Mae Powell,
who is an educator and Mayor of Shorter, Alabama.
While in pursuit of his degree at Tuskegee University, Harold was a member of several student
organizations and served most notably as President Pro-Tem of the Student Senate and as President of
College Democrats of America (Tuskegee Chapter). Harold also served as the National Vice-President
and President of College Democrats of America, becoming the first African America to hold the
prestigious positions. He has also been a member of the Democratic National Committee and the
Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee. After graduating from Tuskegee University,
Harold accepted the appointed position of Town Clerk of the Town of Shorter and has held that
position for just over ten years. In addition to his position of Town Clerk, Harold acts as the
Economic Developer of the Town.
In addition to being Town Clerk for Shorter, Harold is also a licensed real estate agent with
Intervest Realty Group. As an agent with the firm, Harold’s primary focus is on commercial/industrial
clients. Harold seeks to expand the company operations to include economic development consulting
in the future.
Harold also hosts his own local talk radio show, “The Harold Powell Show,” each Sunday morning on
WBIL AM-580. Of all the jobs he has held, Harold admits that he loves his radio job best. Each
week, Harold provides the public with news and commentary on national, state, and local issues.
The show is swiftly becoming a growing success.
Harold is truly committed to public service and believes in the power of grassroots activism. He
is a member of several community service organizations and often volunteers his time trying to
help make a difference in the lives of people. He currently serves as a member of the Board of
Directors and Executive Committee of Envision Montgomery 2020, V.P of the Board of Directors
and Executive Committee of the I-85 Corridor Initiative, a member of the Board of Directors of
the River Region United Way, President of the District 10 Municipal Clerks Association, member
of the Jessie Lewis Auto Club, member of the Tuskegee Civitan Club, as well as being an active
member of several other local clubs and community organizations. He has extensive experience in
political campaigns. In 1992, Harold served as a field representative for Congressman Glen Browder’s
reelection to the U.S. Congress for Alabama’s 3rd Congressional District. In 1996, Harold accepted
the challenge of serving as field representative in Congressman Browder’s bid for the U.S. Senate.
In 1998, Harold served briefly as Co-Field Director for Joe Turnham’s bid for Congress AL-3.
Harold has been featured in many state and national news publications such as Hannity and Colmes,
Fox News Sunday, MSNBC Live, CNN, Time, The Montgomery Advertiser, The Auburn-Opelika News and
Student Leader Magazine.